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My philosophy about inclusive education

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Starts with an emphasis placed on student learning and the ability to draw on a variety of teaching methods, including new technologies and the effective utilization of time, space, materials, and equipment, in collaborative learning environments.

Youtube videos and social platforms engulf the lives of our students today. Incorporating these sources into lessons can motivate students to participate and help them expand their knowledge to real life issues.. My approach is to engage the students' a collaborative learning environment by using a range of modalities to allow the students to explore their creative side and tap into areas of their strengths to facilitate the joy of learning while making connections with the classes I co-teach in such as Earth Science, Math, Global History, Living Environment and Chemistry to real life experiences.

Collaborative Learning Environment

Beach Ball Vocabulary Lesson

This Active Vocabulary Lesson is in the the form of a Game to ensure we gain and keep the attention of the students. This in-class & On-line game goal is to keep the students on task while having fun.


  1. Use a permanent marker to create distinct sections on a beach ball, create as few or many as needed.

  2. In each section, write a command dealing with the use of a vocabulary word. Some examples would be: change to an adverb, define the word, use it in a sentence, think of a rhyming word, and think of another word with the same root.

How to Play:

  1. Instruct students to sit on top of their desks or have all the desks arranged in a circle 6 feet apart before game play.

  2. Write a vocabulary word (click here for examples..) on the white board, call out a student's name, and throw him/her the ball. Note: for every 2nd throw, we will use the online “Jeopardy wheel of remote student names” to determine who caught the ball on-line.

  3. The student should then shout the answer to whichever prompt is closest to his/her left thumb as it pertains to the word on the board.

  4. If the student answers correctly the teacher should choose a new vocab word before the student calls out a classmate's name or spins the Jeopardy-wheel and throws the ball to that person. If the student answers incorrectly the same vocabulary word is used and the ball is thrown to the next player.

  5. Continue game play until all vocabulary words have been used or time is up.

Collaborative Learning examples continued...

Visual engagement Lesson

This Visually appealing Lesson I created is in the the form of a Game, again to ensure we gain and keep the attention of the students. This in-class & On-line game goal is to keep the students on task while having fun.

The goal of this activity was to draw on yet another teaching method to give students some practice at speaking in front of a group and later translating their speech to writing. In addition, the students would ultimately be able identify social Issues and make a connection to the classes I co-teach.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." by Albert Einstein

Evidence of Student Learning...


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